If you've looked through all of the student information for 应用ing to UW-Eau克莱尔 and none of it seems to fit your situation, 你找对了地方. 我们有几个选择来探索威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的学者.
If you look through all of the options and you still have questions, feel free to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 我们很乐意帮忙.
查看常见问题 about non-degree-seeking 本科 and 研究生 students 在这里.
你被认为是 本科 non-degree-seeking student if you 研究生d from a recognized high school or have the educational equivalent, 目前没有在攻读学位, 并且想修本科课程(100-400级). Please note that non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for financial aid but are eligible to work on campus and may 应用 for the Returning Adult Student Fund by completing the 非传统学生及学生家长奖学金申请.
查看 本科课程目录 看看有什么课程适合你. 请注意,并非所有的课程作业都可以在每个学期提供.
提交 UW系统应用.
Once you have received an email confirming that you are eligible to enroll in coursework, 遵循以下步骤 注册课程. Note that because of the demand for some courses and limitations on enrollment, degree-seeking students will be given priority over non-degree-seeking students.
Some courses require permission to enroll from the department or an instructor. 如果你想参加的课程需要注册许可, 请与学术部门联系 开设这门课程.
查看常见问题 澳门葡京网赌送彩金非学位学生.
你被认为是 研究生 non-degree-seeking student if you earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution, 目前没有在攻读学位, 并希望参加研究生课程(500级以上).
查看 研究生课程目录 看看有什么课程适合你. 请注意,并非所有的课程作业都可以在每个学期提供.
查看应用程序信息 在这里.
Once you have received an email confirming that you are eligible to enroll in coursework, 遵循以下步骤 注册课程. 研究生入学期是否开放, 研究生 non-degree-seeking students can register as soon as the online Payment Plan Agreement has been submitted.
Some courses require permission to enroll from the department or an instructor. 如果你想参加的课程需要注册许可, 请与提供该课程的学术部门联系.
查看常见问题 澳门葡京网赌送彩金非学位学生.
你被认为是 auditor if you would like to take a class without earning credit. You can find specifics on who can audit a class and requirements for audits in our 目录. 然后,您可以检查电流 审计费用表 作为审计师参加课程的相关费用.
找到这些信息后,您将需要申请 本科非学位学生 使用 UW-System应用程序.
视图 常见问题 澳门葡京网赌送彩金非学位学生.
一旦你收到你的“下一步”的电子邮件从招生和 激活了您的My Blugold 营地帐户,请拨打715-836-3000联系布鲁戈尔德中心或 blugoldcentral@minigear.net 为旁听课程提供帮助. 这将需要课程导师的签名. Keep in mind that adding a course late may require other signatures as well.
You are a considered a reentry student if you attended UW-Eau克莱尔 as a degree-seeking student in the past but did not earn a degree from UW-Eau克莱尔. (If you earned a degree from UW-Eau克莱尔 and wish to obtain a second degree, 查看第二学位的学生信息如下.)
如果你休了整整一个学期的假,你不需要重新申请. 如果你已经离开两个或两个以上的学期,并准备回来, 看看下面的步骤,再次成为Blugold!
- 填写一张 UW系统在线申请 - Please use the applicant statement as a way to communicate what you have been doing since you last attended UW-Eau克莱尔. On your application, list any courses you are currently enrolled in at another institution.
- 你可以免交申请费.
- 你不需要提交你的高中成绩单.
- 你不需要提交ACT/SAT成绩.
- If you have attended or are attending one or more higher education institutions while you were away from UW-Eau克莱尔, 请提交你所就读院校的正式成绩单. Official transcripts should be sent electronically via secured transmission (not email) to UW-Eau克莱尔 招生.
Note: If you have only been gone from UW-Eau克莱尔 for one semester and do not need to re应用, you should still submit official transcripts from any higher education institutions you attended. 转学工作至关重要,可能会影响学业进步, 学术地位, 经济援助资格, 和毕业.
- 提交你的最终大学成绩单
- 注册课程
Your application will be sent to the dean's office of the college you are hoping to enter. Please use the applicant statement to address the suspension and include any information you would like the dean's office to know when reviewing your application.
你被认为是 second degree student if you have earned a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited university and you are 应用ing to UW-Eau克莱尔 to earn another 本科 degree.
We will begin to accept applications for the spring semester (January) on April 1, 8月1日为秋季学期. Priority deadlines are November 1 for spring admission and March 1 for fall admission. We strongly encourage students with transfer credit to 应用 for admission as early as possible.
- UW系统在线申请
- 网上申请费25美元 at time of application submission, or log back into your application to pay the fee. (Note: You are exempt from this fee if you were previously enrolled at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 as a degree-seeking student.)
- 寄送你所就读的每一所学院或大学的正式成绩单. (Note: If you were previously enrolled at UW-Eau克莱尔 as a degree-seeking student, you only need to send transcripts from institutions attended after your time at UW-Eau克莱尔.)
- 提交你的 网上订金100美元 注册课程
- 联系 二级顾问 for your program to discuss academic plans and course selection prior to registration
- 申请 网上经济援助
- 提交你的最终大学成绩单
Your transcripts will be forwarded to the appropriate academic department once you have been admitted. An adviser will audit your transcripts and determine the courses you need to complete to earn a second degree. 看到 第二学位顾问 顾问名单.
The 招生 Office will prepare an official transfer credit evaluation for any 本科 coursework taken after completion of your first degree. This information will be available to your advisor when you meet with him or her to discuss your second degree.
If you have a bachelor's degree and are interested in pursuing a teaching certification, 查看下面的应用步骤. 如果您对这个项目有任何疑问,请随时查看我们的 常见问题 or 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 还有其他问题吗?.
第1步 透过网页申请澳门葡京网赌送彩金 应用.威斯康辛州.edu
- 请注明申请理由:本科学历或教师资格证
- Indicate 应用 as: "Transfer" if you have a bachelor's degree from another institution or "Re-entry" if you have previously completed coursework at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金.
2 . - 成绩单评估
- 如果你被澳门葡京网赌送彩金录取, your transcripts will be available to the department of your teaching subject area. A final copy of the certification plan will be sent to you via postal mail and email from our Certification Office. 计划将标明课程作业, 领域经验, 以及完成认证所需的考试. 仔细阅读你的计划书. 这个过程可能需要3-4周.
步骤3 -当您收到您的认证计划时,请与部门联系.
Select your student type 在这里 if you are not any of the student types on this page.